Delicious & Mindful
- The 14-Day plan is the most comprehensive weight loss plan we offer.
- Approved by dietitians to help you lose weight and keep it off.
- Meals are delicious, satisfying and all under 300 calories.
A simple, science-based plan with all meals provided. Lose up to 24 lbs in your first 8 weeks.*
Every 2-week shipment includes:
Prepay & Save
FREE home-delivery
One-on-one coaching
Price Per Day:
${{ getFormattedPrice(this.planPrices['autodelivery_Prices'].dayprice/100) }}
Price Per Week:
${{ getFormattedPrice(planPrices.autodelivery_Prices.discounted_price/100/2)}}
Today's Price
${{ getFormattedPrice(planPrices.autodelivery_Prices.discounted_price/100) }}